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NOTE: As of the last sim, this league was under the minimum 20% capacity. Invite your friends to join MyFootballNow to keep this league alive! Then send them to this league to become the owner of a team! The league will expire at 3/28/2025 8:00 pm.

League Forums

Main - Suggestion Box

Overuse penalties not really working

By CoachDumphool123
11/22/2017 8:46 pm
In the interest of avoiding Madden-like strategies of teams using only one or two highly practiced plays, MFN recently added an overuse penalty to slant play results against teams using plays too often in a game.

This works directly against the game's basic mechanic which we understand evolves around players' familarity with plays i.e. the more times players practice a play the better they get at executimg it. So it is a natural tendency to use as small a group of expertly run plays as a team can get away with in order to maximize performance and play results.
I suspect that wherever that line has been set and the degree of penalty assigned it has not gone far enough.
I have seen numerous games where my team, often favored and rated at least equal to my opponent's team, starts seeing overusage notifications by my opponent as early as midway through the first quarter. When i would see these notices i naturally would normally expect an impending rout.
To the best of my recollection my teams have lost all those games and some by wide margins. It seems the bonuses teams are getting for running their expert plays well exceeds the overuse penalties assigned.
This is just my observation and experience and i wonder if others are having similar experiences.

Re: Overuse penalties not really working

By Smirt211
11/23/2017 8:32 am
The days of 'destruction blitzes' destroying everything in sight the entirely of a game (1 or 2 utilized) seem to be over. (Thank God!)

That was the main reason for the adoption of the penalities.