I think that the issue here is pathing. Here's what it looks like the paths are to me:

Right now, the gunners contain, which is good, but no one else holds their lanes. The wings drop in to max protect, worried that they'll give up the first punt block in MFN history, and the Personal Protector sits back there, essentially just another blocker except 10 yards behind the action to start. Including the punter, that's 4 players every punt that are not legitimate threats to make a tackle before a 25 yard return. That leaves the 5 blockers going down the middle. And when I say go down the middle, I mean they all form a clump and go down the middle together. This is the biggest issue, as the only threats are the gunners and the fastest blocker the get down the field. The other four are redundant because they're all taking away the same lane.

So really, the returner just has to get past the initial contain and not run in to the first blocker and then all he has to beat is the punter. Here is the punt I was drawing from, where the returner is tackled by a blocker who gets pancaked:
http://cust17.myfootballnow.com/watch/1320#251188Compare that to the big NFL clip of the week:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0bRlG80EYk. The Cowboys had really good coverage on this punt, but notice at 8-11 seconds in, nobody is running directly at DJax.

They're still are running straight down the field in their lanes. Notice at 16 seconds in, when he gets around the initial contain, there's still nowhere to go because the 'Boys again hold their lanes on what was the weak side of the field.
Here's how I propose coverage gets adjusted:
1) Wings give up on blocking, let the PP handle any threats from outside rushers.
2) PP becomes a safety after blocking, focusing on contain.
3) Blockers fill lanes instead of trying to run at the returner, then trying to take an angle once the returner picks a side: