Yeah I'm ridiculous!!
Bring on 4.6 JDB, I can't wait for all the excitement.
I get to look forward to this!!!!
Raymattison21's QB for his 13-3 team in MFN-1

WOW! So much excitement there! A whole 14 TD passes and only 16 INTs. He even has a WR break 500 yards receiving!!!
The following season it gets better, much better for another 13-3 team!!!

He breaks 3,000 yards passing and throws 19 TDs!!! Alas no WR broke 500 yards but it's a rarity in the NFL...right!!!
Hey let's look at the 3x Champion Dallas team run by GrandadB. He is the master and wins in every league he is in so his passing numbers should be crazy right!!!
2053 15-1

2052 16-0

These are 2 elite owners doing their best!!!!
Let's look at a team in the USFL owned by Chicagobears who joined 4 months ago. This team went 8-8 in his 1st season as owner and he is excited to continue building this team!

In contrast, here is the New York (A) team in MFN-1 owned by Bruno77 who joined MFN 7 months ago.

Ok...enough fooling around...let's take a look at Setherick's team in MFN-1. Everyone can agree he is on the Mount Rushmore of Alltime owners right!?!?

I may be ridiculous, I don't care but when some of the best owners in MFN are struggling to pass the ball..what chance does anyone else have. Is this 4.6 versiin gonna sustain new owners joining when they can't move the ball! How many owners old and new will quit if 4.6 is released and made the norm?
I'm done in this thread because posting stats is completely dismissed with a simple...."I disagree". I applaud Admiral for creating and running other Beta leagues, it helps the development of the game. I'm glad some holes has been closed and created rules aren't needed...I love that it's different and some owners are enjoying it.
The problem with Beta is this, while it has's not a complete version. The passing game is broken when 16-0 teams cant throw more TDs than INTs.
I keep hearing "can't wait to owners figure out 4.6/Beta" and the passing game will open up. Don't any of you old timers remember the switch from 4.3 to one season of 4.4 to 4.5???
4.4 was a disaster because passing was so nerfed and sacks went through the roof!!! Remember?? Sound familiar???
Does anyone remember how bad it got?? Remember the mass exodus from not only leagues but from MFN???
4.5 was quickly released in answer to all the complaints and it didn't take seasons to figure out.
For those of you who don't remember, read this old thread. done with this thread because I don't want to argue with anyone. We have the option to play 4.5 or Beta in every league and that's great. I don't understand the demand to make everyone switch to an unfinished Beta/4.6.
I will leave you with this quote from PrivateSnowflake who said it best years ago.
By PrivateSnowflake
3/28/2019 11:07 am
I'll say first, since it's not football "season", we've likely lost a small percentage due to the game isn't on everyone's mind right now.
But to your point, MFN always had football fans and fantasy computer gamers. But catering to one was always going to drive off the other. Some of us do spend a lot of time one gameplans and roster make-up. Some guys just want to log in have a little fantasy fun. But small gameplanning tweaks became gameplan overhauls when 4.4 was released and casual players threw up thier hands in disgust. We all heard the calls of "boring" from one side while the other side dug in with "muh realism" replies.
So, 4.5 was rushed and released and unsurprisingly, neither side was happy, which caused more owner defections, this time from both sides. Those that came up with a GP for 4.4 had to start again. Those who didn't still weren't happy with the depressed stats and scores.
And so in this titanic struggle between the hardcore and fantasy users, the hardcore group (unsurprisingly) won out since they dedicate more time in beta (and hats off for what you guys do!).
So what should the dev do? Cater to the games most loyal users while alienating a larger, more casual group that could offer the game a bigger financial windfall which could grow the game? Or go for the larger user base and turn away the devoted few?
I think 4.5, while rushed, is the compromise. We aren't playing 1980s football, but this isn't Madden either. The game will add players again. Once August rolls around, new gamers will want their football fix, former users will check back and some will play again with the "Great Struggle of 4.4" a distant memory. Live and learn. Adapt and overcome."
If you don't study are doomed to repeat it.