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NOTE: As of the last sim, this league was under the minimum 20% capacity. Invite your friends to join MyFootballNow to keep this league alive! Then send them to this league to become the owner of a team! The league will expire at 3/28/2025 8:00 pm.

League Forums

Main - General MFN Discussion

Re: Subcribe & Support

By Waitwut
1/08/2025 7:52 am
TheWitchHunter wrote:
There are people on here who act like having more than 1 account is the absolute evil while having more than one account.

Me looking at a whole lot of league admins and especially GDB.

I went through all this, and it's the same people - who actually run more than one account - castrating people like waitwhut and others for having more than one account.

To waitwhut: why would you manually do that? You got manipulated by a lazy person unwilling to incorporate your knowledge offered onto doing the students homework. Never a good idea.
Teachers instruct the lesson to the student. they never, ever do the lesson for the student (that goes for all you parents out there doing your kids elementary level homework, too!)

The very same people who suggest, have and justify multiple accounts becuase they are an admin are the very first people to accuse and call someone a cheater for doing so.

GDB is especially harmful this way (well, perhaps their constant poaching attempts would be a 1b). He is not alone. I still get PM's. Very passive aggressive. Nothing like calling someone a cheat and then inviting them to one of your way too many leagues a month later. Some crows just caw. He's certainly some kinda Crow.

@Waitwhut: Just remember - the first (and 2nd, 3rd and 4th person) to call you a cheater for logging in to help (teachers don't do the students homework - that was your primary error) are the first people to have more than 1 account.
Logging into another person's account is usually dictated as a ban-able offense in most TOS, but this is MFN, and well, you did not break the TOS.
Was not a dual registered account to the same user.
Was not within the same "household" (IP/TOC address).
That would be GDB's error, and it's*actually* against the TOS.

You certainly broke gamer code and etiquette that's been around since like 1992 usenet RPGs. Now you know. Like baseball's unwritten rules that rule would be.
I suggest to be more careful moving forward. Be open with all involved should you find any need to do it again. Never stop helping someone. Personally, I do not question your intentions. Seems they were true, to me, at least. :)
Always inform JDB. Get permission first, do it right so when you get called a cheater you got some ammunition to defend your intentions.
That's what I did.
If you are always above ground, no one can put you in it.

Guilty people always point fingers, and im pretty sure every admin has at least 2 accounts.
I accept 2 is needed to admin. I encourage admins to have 2 accounts. I do not accept people with 2+ accounts calling someone a cheat for any long term or short term use of 2+ accounts, regardless of circumstances.

I could buy into the cheat idea if the accusers were not cheaters by their own definition of account abuse.
Kettle, meet spoon. Same pot doing the same thing, but with different justifications.

F the haters.
Do what's right.
Never do someone else's homework for them. That ain't right, either.

Can y'all get past shouting each other down and degrading each other and giving me every reason to never spend a single penny on such a toxic community or can you start playing nice with each other?

Why would anyone pay money to be chastised, belittled, subjugated and bullied as I consistently have been over years and continue to see to this day on these forums?
You gotta be nuts. Some people start the subscribe post, at the very least made very impassioned posts within to subscribe, and then it's a full page of the usual nastyness.
Well, usual towards me, at least. Clearly there's a new target.
Same subjugation, frankly the same accusers.

I 've said it regularly and often: It's not MFN, it's the MFN community that is flawed.
I continue to stand by that, and I'll continue to moving forward as long as yall keep trashing strangers with good intentions.

The number one reason players numbers have dwindled so is because players keep being nasty.

Count this as the i dunno - at least 100th time i've made this point since 2022.

SOBack to the Front \m/ : Besides the you will do what i say or you will die crowd that started this post, tell me again why I should pay money to be chastised, abused, segregated, and subjugated by the all so self righteously self-manifested players that continue to harrass and intimidate other players?

Could be worse, they coulda run a full google diagnostic 3 days research into your mental health and called you a transvestite like they did me.
Take the win, waitwhut, take the win. Persevere.

It's never about WHO is right. it's always going to be about WHAT is right,

most important thing I ever learned.

...and now back to tonight's program:
Subscribe & Support (brought to you by Proctered and Gambled).
(cue intro theme music, I'm rolling with the 1980's A team OG theme. It was awesome.)

I made 4 spelling edits. a 5th time to add that frilly bolding shtuff.
Last edit (6th edit gawd i'm just way too OCD):
    Psalm 2025:

Share screens on Zoom or whatever app of mutual preference if words are not enough. Like, it's 2025, no one should ever go into anyone's shtuff, nor should any let anyone else get into their shtuff. R'amen.

Bruh. I have one account and GDB logged into someone else’s account. Did you read everything clearly or just react to a few words? Please go back and observe.

Idk or care who has multiple accounts. Good for them. This game is good, but not so good as to make me do anything extra such as pay or dupe the system with multiple accounts. That’s low brow business. With to exception of an admin protecting his league. However, I would know there’s only a couple admin who run mostly full leagues who this would benefit. If you are an admin of a half full or less league, it probably has a lot to do with Who the admin is.
Last edited at 1/08/2025 8:13 am

Re: Subcribe & Support

By Waitwut
1/08/2025 9:59 am
I see what is going on


Re: Subcribe & Support

By IoanBlood
1/08/2025 10:49 am
Waitwut wrote:
I see what is going on


Are you sure? 1 and 2 are correct, but 3 is very different, except he has multiple personalities ;-)

Re: Subcribe & Support

By Cjfred68 - League Admin
1/08/2025 6:57 pm
The irony of both of them is:

Witchhunter had a thread a year ago (as CSB) titled "UPDATE THE ENGINE OR I

He made incredibly long and incredible condescending post where he brutally trashed JDB. When others responded to his unhinged rants, he attacked the MFN community for being horrible. He mistakenly thought I was GDB somehow which came to light later since he accused me of having PMing him and having a long standing relationship with me.

I have no idea what was happening in his life but it became clear he was losing it more and more with his written rants where he took a stance of superiority over JDBs accomplishment and every owners lack of understanding his lofty intelligence.

I honestly don't blame him for abandoning his CSB account and starting fresh as Witchhunter. It was his best option to begin fresh without all that baggage but he couldn't let it go. I first heard about Witchhunter when he attacked a post I made in his "UPDATE THE ENGINE..." thread by asking JDB to have me removed for a joke!

Doesn't bother me TBH but then he started posting about how he was winning 13 games a season in his leagues as a noob!!! He now has the nerve, once again to trash the MFN community for being toxic, especially me!

Anyone that knows me, knows I'm an honest and helpful administrator who puts countless hours into his XFL league. I try to add something extra to my leagues and make the game more interesting. I don't pick fights with anyone but if I feel attacked, I will fight back!!!

As for GDB, he knowingly cheated in the XFL and I know this for a fact because I did all the research needed to prove it. I don't wanna get into it all again but if you have 4 players who are legal ST RUSHERS #1-#4 on your depth chart but they never play a snap at ST RUSHER in a game and 4 90+ speed WRs played at ST RUSHER during every punt in a game but none are on the ST RUSHER depth chart....then you used overrides! Plan and simple!!!

Cheating is one think but when you are caught and their is no doubt but you can't man up and own it then I'm done with you. Even after he cheated and I messaged him, I was still on the fence about booting him from the league but his response was basically, I had no idea what happened, I'm lost and don't know what a ST RUSHER does! It was an innocent mistake by someone that doesn't understand the game or how it works. Does that sound like GDB? I don't know how the punt block exploit works? I know right! He is the complete opposite boasting to me and others how he wrote the book on trading! GDB doesn't help other owners out of the kindness of his heart...he does it so he can hoist himself up onto his high horse and teach you how smart his is.

I don't feel the need to brag about how many owners I've helped and I don't feel like I'm better then everybody in MFN at playing this game. I've posted a help guide (still unfinished) in my leagues help forum and helped answer countless questions in forums and via PMs. I'm not the exception because many experienced owners have helped many newer owners with all types of questions. Setherick posted many helpful things along with Bruno77 & Armoredgiraffe who both have moved on from MFN because of the lack sim engine updates.

I applaud any league that uses custom rules but they are only as effective as the diligence and honesty of the admin handling them.

Witchhunter and GDB can play this game or run leagues as long as they like. They won't be a part of my leagues for obvious reasons and what happens in their leagues has no effect on me.

The problem is GDB wants to attack my league because we don't have custom rules which means you can't cheat in my leagues. His league has a known cheater making and enforcing custom rules which is the same as having a coyote guard the hen house!

The problem with CSB/WITCHHUNTER is he puts down the MFN community for being toxic when he himself had to create a new identity from his own vemonous comments then he misrepresented himself as a brand new owner who was a prodigy at MFN.

I've had to limit ownership in the XFL because of toxic people who will create another account just to join the league and sabotage a team by cutting everyone. It just recently happened in the USFL (ask Raidergreg69)! The joke is Raidergreg69 greg used his publicly known extra account to fix it so nobody claim those players and they all returned to the original team. Awesome admin!!!

And yes, I have a 2nd account for such things and the name of my other account is CJFREDTEMPFIX so nothing is done without full transparency.

I have the top tier subscription in hopes of supporting the game but I would never ask anyone to spend money on a game without serious updates to the sim engine for going on 4 years and a new UI STILL in development that is worse (×10) then the current UI as an end-user.

Witchhunter and GDB should go back and post in your leagues unless you can find the ability to post in the general forums without some heir of righteousness and superiority. The shoe doesn't fit either one of you!

Re: Subcribe & Support

By Kababmaster
1/09/2025 12:38 am
Guys - please cut this ******* contest out. I'm sure yer all good chaps....this chest-beating gets very old.

XFL is a very good league and highly competitive, with very good write-ups by CJ.Same as Greg's league. I get that....!

People must realize that not all of us members are American. I joined here in 2018 (think). I have 3 accounts - I use 2 - for the sole purpose of helping out leagues that might be in trouble.

Now, when I first joined the game there was no scope for a "Mentor Program". I had come from a UK game that was twice as expensive and more complicated than the game should be....but they had a "Mentor" program, and believe me - I needed it - about 60 pages of PDF docs to swize through. When we eventually move to next version of MFN - I hope JDB will update the youtube help/mentor videos.

With smart marketing of the game, who knows...I might be a mentor lol.

In finishing, and concerning "cheating"....when I first joined this game I got huge help from two people - perhaps call it a mentorship - those two were Bryson and GDB. I found their help, not only useful, but vital to my 23 league championships (not boasting) but the help was fantastic.

WE are here for the betterment of the game - cut out the bitching please.

Re: Subcribe & Support

By frank
1/09/2025 2:48 am
WitchHunter has good taste in music

join Ultimate Legends RO or Anything Goes RO if you wanna have some roster only fun. its probably the best for a bunch of ya. be a GM, not a coach

Ultimate Legends is in high gear

Anything Goes is struggling.......needs owners

Re: Subcribe & Support

By Waitwut
1/09/2025 7:09 am
Thumbs down. I just realized something….
Last edited at 1/09/2025 7:25 am

Re: Subcribe & Support

By Cjfred68 - League Admin
1/09/2025 12:07 pm
Kababmaster wrote:
Guys - please cut this ******* contest out. I'm sure yer all good chaps....this chest-beating gets very old.

XFL is a very good league and highly competitive, with very good write-ups by CJ.Same as Greg's league. I get that....!

People must realize that not all of us members are American. I joined here in 2018 (think). I have 3 accounts - I use 2 - for the sole purpose of helping out leagues that might be in trouble.

Now, when I first joined the game there was no scope for a "Mentor Program". I had come from a UK game that was twice as expensive and more complicated than the game should be....but they had a "Mentor" program, and believe me - I needed it - about 60 pages of PDF docs to swize through. When we eventually move to next version of MFN - I hope JDB will update the youtube help/mentor videos.

With smart marketing of the game, who knows...I might be a mentor lol.

In finishing, and concerning "cheating"....when I first joined this game I got huge help from two people - perhaps call it a mentorship - those two were Bryson and GDB. I found their help, not only useful, but vital to my 23 league championships (not boasting) but the help was fantastic.

WE are here for the betterment of the game - cut out the bitching please.

That's a great idea!

Don't attack me and you won't ever have a problem from me! If you attack me I will respond!

It's pretty simple!

Re: Subcribe & Support

By Kababmaster
1/09/2025 12:57 pm
Cjfred68 wrote:
Kababmaster wrote:
Guys - please cut this ******* contest out. I'm sure yer all good chaps....this chest-beating gets very old.

XFL is a very good league and highly competitive, with very good write-ups by CJ.Same as Greg's league. I get that....!

People must realize that not all of us members are American. I joined here in 2018 (think). I have 3 accounts - I use 2 - for the sole purpose of helping out leagues that might be in trouble.

Now, when I first joined the game there was no scope for a "Mentor Program". I had come from a UK game that was twice as expensive and more complicated than the game should be....but they had a "Mentor" program, and believe me - I needed it - about 60 pages of PDF docs to swize through. When we eventually move to next version of MFN - I hope JDB will update the youtube help/mentor videos.

With smart marketing of the game, who knows...I might be a mentor lol.

In finishing, and concerning "cheating"....when I first joined this game I got huge help from two people - perhaps call it a mentorship - those two were Bryson and GDB. I found their help, not only useful, but vital to my 23 league championships (not boasting) but the help was fantastic.

WE are here for the betterment of the game - cut out the bitching please.

That's a great idea!

Don't attack me and you won't ever have a problem from me! If you attack me I will respond!

It's pretty simple!

I'm not attacking anyone - now if you meant that as a rhetorical jab - grow up FFS.

Re: Subcribe & Support

By Cjfred68 - League Admin
1/09/2025 2:00 pm
I'm talking about Witchhunter & GDB!!!!

They come on here and trash other leagues or the MFN community and I responded to it!

I don't want to argue with anyone and why would I have an issue with you?

That's the problem with forums especially forums geared to people from all over the world!

Lost in translation