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League Forums

Main - Suggestion Box

Disable Player customisation during draft

By martinwarnett
1/23/2025 4:19 pm
I use a spreadsheet to create my own draft board. Continually adjust.

Right now a number of players have "disappeared" due to owners drafting and then renaming the player.

I could solve that with extra work, by looking at the player id, but a simpler solution could be to disable the renaming process for any rookie player during the draft process.

Re: Disable Player customisation during draft

By raidergreg69
1/23/2025 7:19 pm
We only have until training camp starts to rename players, an already small window. I don't want that window any smaller just because it inconveniences someone using a spreadsheet.

If you're doing "extra" stuff that's fine but don't ask others to be inconvenienced because it makes your extras more difficult to manage.

Re: Disable Player customisation during draft

By TheWitchHunter
1/25/2025 12:00 am
This post and the 1st reply hit 2 minor peeves i have:
1: Totally agree with OG post. Notes help, but during the draft I too, find player name changing to mess with my "process" quite a bit. Mostly because by the draft, I've gone through the draft class so many times my mental notes far exceed my player notes, and all my mental notes are by player name.
2: I accept this and agree that there is such a limited window for personification regarding player names, team names, all that fun stuff that is actually worth a subscription...
I've always wanted to be able to change a player name at any time during the season.
Ocho Cinco, yo!

Draft to TC is just not enough time - and it's also perhaps the worst time to change a player name.

I'd like a compromise that player names can not be changed from draft rd 1 through TC, BUT any player can have a name change LFA1 through the beginning of the draft.

Both of you nailed something ive been thinking is just my own crazy, yet apparently is not.

Re: Disable Player customisation during draft

By martinwarnett
1/27/2025 4:15 am
raidergreg69 wrote:
We only have until training camp starts to rename players, an already small window. I don't want that window any smaller just because it inconveniences someone using a spreadsheet.

If you're doing "extra" stuff that's fine but don't ask others to be inconvenienced because it makes your extras more difficult to manage.

The alternative you've ignored is that window could be extended beyond TC...

Not sure draft preparation counts as extra stuff but hey ho. It also affects anybody looking up players directly via Player Search on the website, looking at website generated csv files (note the download button), looking at website lists of players...
Last edited at 1/27/2025 4:38 am

Re: Disable Player customisation during draft

By Waitwut
1/27/2025 6:32 am
Why does this matter if the player is renamed? Being renamed means he was drafted and is no longer available to you for your selection. Just move on to the next name on your list.

What am I missing that you need to track a player well after he was drafted?
Last edited at 1/27/2025 6:33 am

Re: Disable Player customisation during draft

By raidergreg69
1/27/2025 9:46 am
martinwarnett wrote:
raidergreg69 wrote:
We only have until training camp starts to rename players, an already small window. I don't want that window any smaller just because it inconveniences someone using a spreadsheet.

If you're doing "extra" stuff that's fine but don't ask others to be inconvenienced because it makes your extras more difficult to manage.

The alternative you've ignored is that window could be extended beyond TC...

Not sure draft preparation counts as extra stuff but hey ho. It also affects anybody looking up players directly via Player Search on the website, looking at website generated csv files (note the download button), looking at website lists of players...

Could be extended ...but it's not extended, it has to be done before camp, period. If I'm being honest, idc about people's csv file problems.

Re: Disable Player customisation during draft

By raidergreg69
1/27/2025 9:47 am
Renaming players is one of the few fun things left in this game, leave it alone please.

Re: Disable Player customisation during draft

By martinwarnett
1/27/2025 12:12 pm
raidergreg69 wrote:
martinwarnett wrote:
raidergreg69 wrote:
We only have until training camp starts to rename players, an already small window. I don't want that window any smaller just because it inconveniences someone using a spreadsheet.

If you're doing "extra" stuff that's fine but don't ask others to be inconvenienced because it makes your extras more difficult to manage.

The alternative you've ignored is that window could be extended beyond TC...

Not sure draft preparation counts as extra stuff but hey ho. It also affects anybody looking up players directly via Player Search on the website, looking at website generated csv files (note the download button), looking at website lists of players...

Could be extended ...but it's not extended, it has to be done before camp, period. If I'm being honest, idc about people's csv file problems.

I think we've gathered you don't care...

Re: Disable Player customisation during draft

By TheWitchHunter
1/28/2025 12:51 am
raidergreg69 wrote:
Renaming players is one of the few fun things left in this game, leave it alone please.

Make it better.

It is obtuse to defend a limited window to rename a player and only being able to do it once - and only during that player's draft, and also to accept that it can not be done after T/C; when it is agreeable to have a limited window where one can not, and an expanded window - and an entire career where one can rename any player.

No idea why any person would argue that having a one-time only, draft through T/C window to do "the funnest thing in MFN" (paraphrased) over being able to do that thing 90% of the time at any time over a player's career.

A person would have to be nuts to fight for a one time only limited opportunity to do their favorite thing over being able to do rename a player at anytime other than the draft and over that player's entire career.
Just nuts.
Perhaps an idiot.
I'm not calling raider an idiot, but i am saying his argument is nuts and counter-intuitive.
It is obtuse to argue against one's own interests, and that is exactly what Raidergreg has chosen to do.


PS: Whiny voice: I love renaming players but in no way will i let that happen more often.
Jeessh, Some of you are arguing against getting more of what you said was the best thing the most favorite thing whatever for you. Why would you not want more opportunities to do what you love?

"I Love This And Want To Keep It Limited" is *never* a good argument.

Like, DUH, as my 7 year old would say.
Last edited at 1/28/2025 1:06 am

Re: Disable Player customisation during draft

By TheWitchHunter
1/28/2025 1:22 am
Oh, and raider once named an entire draft class starting with Osama Bin Laden and then every terrorist flying the planes in the 9/11 attack, and THEN took great offense when a fellow league member called him out, and THEN a much greater offense when I kicked him out of that league for refusing to rename players (all of which I paid to rename after his expulsion).

This is the guy fighting for a limited good time - and each and every one of you should know this about them.

If I got to log into CSB for the first time in 3 years to prove it I will, but I'm hoping some of the other members of that league will share so I don't have to get all on my hobby horse.

Now, back to:
Do we want to not have player name changes during the draft so we can have player name changes at every sim not draft related over that player's entire career; or do we want to keep the current system of only being able to change player names during the draft through T/C and never ever again be able to after?

I vote being able to change a player name anytime during the season and not during the draft. Hands down. More is better when it comes to such a great feature like naming players.

...unless the GM names them after the 9/11 terrorists like Raider did - and fought to keep after being called out - to the point of having to be kicked out of a league.
Gosh, the player that PM'd me the concern and request lost a person in the towers and raider held his guns. Metaphor intended.
In light of such cases, I could support not being able to change player names at all.

Martin - great topic. Truly.
Pardon my truth of experience with some of these folks. Such experiences should be shared.

Last edited at 1/28/2025 1:24 am