General Manager ready to address the Media in a scrum, the media like vultures on cadaver always picking at the eyes first.
Looking at his notes, raised his head and using his best Preacher voice “We beat the AI team 24-3 Huh! Thats how you roll! We manhandled them. Utterly! With Righteous Fury we have struck down the CPU”
The first media member lifted his hand to speak. “ Mr Redneck Sir….Uh the Knicks destroy AI teams in the range of 75-85 and are so confident they actually use their overweight mascot to return kicks as well as bring in some local charity kids to take a turn at QB in the 4th quarter, how do you respond?”
The red faced redneck GM reaches up slowly to make some room at his neck as the shirt feels tighter and tighter and resorted to coach speak. “Well…Er…Um We need to score more points, to get to those kinda numbers and Ah we have to focus on fundamentals …. There are no easy games in this league…….But I liked what I saw today……. But rest assured no one Will ever get to 100”